In memoria di Luciano Pitronello, conosciuto anche come Tortuga 2024-08-14 Categories: News Tags: Chile eulogy tortuga
2023 in Cile: 50 anni di golpe militare : Il consolidamento neoliberale dopo la rivolta del 2019 2024-03-07 Categories: Analysis History Tags: Chile cooptation democracy dictatorship constitution plebiscite
There’s No Such Thing as a Free Helicopter Ride : On the Death of Sebastián Piñera 2024-02-08 Categories: Current Events History Tags: Chile obituary eulogy
From Uprising to Plebiscite: Street Victories, Electoral Defeats : Perspectives from Chile on the Constitutional Plebiscite 2022-09-20 Categories: Analysis Current Events Tags: Chile electoral politics constitution revolt Uprising cooptation
Remembering Luisa Toledo Sepúlveda: The Mother of Combative Youth : A Eulogy and Report from Chile 2021-07-09 Categories: Adventure Current Events Tags: direct action Chile eulogy dictatorship
Chile: The Hot Potato Changes Hands : But What Does Electoral Victory for the Left Mean for Autonomous Movements? 2021-05-28 Categories: Analysis Current Events Tags: fascism direct action Chile electoral politics
Cile: la prima linea e la fila alle urne : Il referendum costituzionale e l’anniversario del disordine sociale 2020-10-26 Categories: Current Events Tags: democracy police Chile violence student movement riots public transportation referendum vote
Cile: uno sguardo indietro a un anno dall’insurrezione : Cosa provoca la diffusione della rivolta e cosa la ostacola? La lotta per la dignità e la campagna per una nuova costituzione 2020-10-15 Categories: Analysis Current Events History Tags: repression police Chile violence student movement squatting riots mutual aid public transportation occupations indigenous revolt
La rivolta in Colombia: “Un esempio di ciò che verrà” : Un report e un’intervista sui precedenti della rivolta 2020-09-11 Categories: Current Events Tags: police Chile Uprising Argentina Ecuador colombia bolivia south america
Una nuova ondata repressiva in Cile : E perché è importante negli Stati Uniti 2020-07-28 Categories: Current Events Tags: Chile riots student movement public transportation police violence repression
Dal Cile a Minneapolis: una lettera aperta : Solidarietà globale con la ribellione contro la polizia e la supremazia bianca 2020-06-03 Categories: Current Events Tags: police Chile violence student movement riots public transportation Minneapolis
L’agitprop della pandemia : Poster, sticker e graffiti da tutto il mondo 2020-04-28 Categories: Arts Current Events Tags: Brazil Germany Chile Greece Slovenia Italy disaster pandemic crisis masks Austria Mexico France
March is Coming: The Next Phase of Revolt in Chile : The Lay of the Land Ahead of Round Two 2020-03-02 Categories: Adventure Current Events Tags: police Chile violence riots Student movement public transportation
Help Us Produce a Documentary Film about the Chilean Uprising : A Request from the CrimethInc. Podcast Crew in Santiago 2020-01-09 Categories: Calling All Anarchists Projects Tags: police Chile violence riots Student movement public transportation
2019: The Year in Review : Including a Short Report on Our Efforts 2020-01-06 Categories: Current Events News Projects Tags: Chile Greece borders the state Hong Kong Ecuador Lebanon 2019
Friday, November 29: Nobody Pays! : An International Call for a Strike against the Rising Cost of Living 2019-11-18 Categories: Adventure Calling All Anarchists Current Events Tags: capitalism Chile riots work Student movement public transportation
Not Falling for It: How the Uprising in Chile Has Outlasted State Repression : And the Questions for Movements to Come 2019-11-08 Categories: Analysis Current Events Tags: police Chile violence riots Student movement public transportation
On the Front Lines in Chile : Six Accounts from the Uprising 2019-10-24 Categories: Adventure Current Events Tags: police Chile riots student movement public transportation
Chile: Resisting under Martial Law : A Report, Interview, and Call to Action 2019-10-21 Categories: Current Events Tags: police Chile Student movement public transportation
Evade and Struggle: Riots Break Out against Austerity in Chile : A Report from the Streets of Santiago 2019-10-19 Categories: Current Events Tags: police Chile Student movement public transportation
Santiago de Chile: Solidarity to the #ICEbreakers : From Those Denied Entry into the US (& Their Friends) 2018-07-05 Categories: Current Events Tags: borders ICE Chile
The Student Movement in Chile : From Dictatorship to Democracy, the Flame of Revolt 2017-09-11 Categories: Current Events History Tags: student organizing Chile